For Mal De'Hyde is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
Your author, yes the crazy person who's writing this thing, is none other than Bri... Call her by her full name and she'll rip your lungs out...uhh >.> never mind. Anyway, she came up with the idea for For Mal De' Hyde one day while in the bathroom (don't ask). It was a random splurge of inspiration that came from the depths of her sick twisted and may I add quite disturbed mind (not really, she just likes to pretend that...)
Her solemn vow to this comic is to write constantly and come up with something worth damn to read...despite the utter confusion and lack of doing anything, her bad habit of procrastination will cease beginning tomorrow.
The artist. Sick and warped-minded as she is, she still kicks ass and will castrate all who think otherwise. >_> The idea of her own online comic was inspired by...umm...something, and one fateful day, came to Bri and asked for a storyline. And here we have it, For Mal De'Hyde. Meg's talent for drawing and *ahem* originality is one that has yet to be challenged. Meg is goddess...bow to her damn you!
Despite her original enthusiasm for starting this comic, Megan procrastinates excessively. Lately she's started working on updating the strips, the art of which she feels is grossly evil and stuff. ...yes, stuff. Bite me.