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Murphey's Law: If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


Hello, and welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page. ...what? Why are you looking at me like that? People ask us stuff! We are teh smart! *shifty eyes* Just read the damn info and drop us a line if you have anything to add. *grumbles*




"Why the hell am I reading this comic?"


                Nakoa: Because you were bribed?

                Hyde: Is the gun to your head not incentive enough?



"This is a question for Nakoa...what is with the freaky hair?"


                Nakoa: Hmm, just a minute, I need to check something. *pulls a cell phone out of her nifty lab coat and punches in a number, then pauses as the call connects* "Desi? Hey, how's the weather down there? No chance of snow, is there? Okay, thanks. Bai!" *disconnects call and returns phone to her pocket* "Next question, please."



*grumbles* "Alright...uhh Hyde? Stop sniffing your shoe for a sec and pay attention please."


                Hyde: "Heh...sorry."



*clears throat* "So...Hyde. Those rings in your ear. They look a lot like those little clip things that hold socks together."


                Hyde: "Really, didn't notice. Hey, that wasn't a question!"



"Oh uhh..." *embarrassed laughter* "So how's life in Ma's basement?"


                Hyde: "Fine, I guess. If you don't mind the dankness...I love the dankness. It's a homey feeling."



"Err, rrrriiiiiggghhhhtttt...."






Jinx: Has Hyde ever had prison time for his necrophilia and/or have his arc enemy use it as blackmail?


                Hyde: Of which arch enemy do you refer?



Jinx: Err, any.


                Nakoa: *eyes him and gives him an incredulous look*

                Hyde: *pretends to think for a moment, then shakes his head* Nope, I leave that particular perversion to Jeremy.



Jinx: Ah… Okay, next question. If you could screw any of your friends/coworkers which one would it be? ^_^


                Hyde: *immediately blushes bright red, choking on his coffee* Next question!



Jinx: Hmmmm, all right… what is your favorite band?


                Hyde: *mutters something, muffling the response with his hand*

                *Hyde is prodded with the PSoD*

                Hyde: *petulantly* ....Andrea Boccelli. Or Muse.

                Nakoa: *blinks at Hyde for a moment* ...I like Yellowcard, David Bowie, things like that.



Jinx: What’s your favorite form of torture?


                Hyde: Psychological warfare.

                Nakoa: *gives him a look*

                Hyde: ...what?




Tora: When are you going to do the next strip and move on with the story? >O


                Megan: Erm… once I get past drawing Hyde dancing with the corpse? Honestly, dead people are the worst potential models, what with that whole rigor mortis thing… But they’re actually quite great for still-life!



Tora: What happened that Hyde ended up in the witness protection program?


                Hyde: *tips his chair back so only the back legs are resting on the floor and looks around uncomfortably* Uhm... *sounds rehearsed* I'm not at liberty to discuss that information at this point in time.



Tora: Wark?


                Hyde: *mock gasp* You pervert!

                Nakoa: *weird look*

                Hyde: xD Erotic Chocobos.

                Nakoa: ...ah.



Tora: All three of you better read my comic! I made half the fillers for yours while you were trying to draw dead people! ... Wait, that's not a question. Pretend it's a question.


                Nakoa: Okay?




Kaa: Ssssooo...Jeremy....^_\\\ I read your info....



                Hyde: *hides his snicker by sipping his coffee*

                Tora: ...*steals Hyde's coffee*

                Hyde: Damnit, gimmie that back! Thief!

                Tora: Hey, I'm not a thief... I'm just thirsty and tired! *puppy eyes*

                Hyde: ...wait, how'd you get here?!

                Tora: ...I'm just cool like that?



Tora: Can I keep the coffee?


                Hyde: …fine. It has your cooties on it now. *pouts*

                Tora: Woot--...hey, I don't have cooties ;-;

                Hyde: Do too.

                Tora: *beats Hyde with a rolled-up magazine* nuh-uh!

                Hyde: Ack! Hey--abuse! Nakoa, help!

                Nakoa: Pfft, right. You're the one in charge of dealing with the crazies, not me.

                Tora: I'm not crazy! >.>'s just.. late. early. I have coffee. w00t.



Tora: What kind is it? o.O


                Hyde: White Russian flavor, triple-triple.



Tora: Why the hell am I willingly up at 1:30 in the morning chatting when I'm tired, and said I was going to bed at 11-something?


                Hyde: Because Megan bribed you with entertainment?



Tora: Can I ask more questions? o.O Some of them might even be relevant.


                Hyde: *pouts* ...fine.



Tora: Okay. The first and foremost one on my mind is, why does my stereo hum unless I hang something off of the wire?


                Hyde: *mutters* You have a mind..?

                Nakoa: Because you have bad reception in the area you placed the stereo.

                Tora: *smacks Hyde with the magazine again* well that doesn't help oO

                Hyde: *rubs his head* You realize I could kill you, and they'd never find your body, right?

                Tora: *shrugs* I test my limits on a daily basis. >.>








Well, it looks like that's all we have for you right now. Please check back later, or send some questions of your own!