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Le sigh...
[Megan] - 1:10 PM

My Livejournal
Re-thinking some things, and plotting for FMDH. I know there's been a lot of fits and starts with this comic, and I just want to thank ya'll who've stuck with us and bitched until we got off our asses(mainly mine, I know).

I quick request... please e-mail Bri-bri and bitch at her until she sends me the scripts for Prequel To Madness? Thankies!

A giant Thank you! Glomp to Tora for drawing this filler strip for me until I can get things straightened out.

*Gives Bri the Narcissis of the Year Award*
Monkey Talks!
[Bri] - 8:57 PM
My Novella : The Light in Dark Shadows
Work sucks, Meijer sucks, you all suck! Nah, not really. I suck actually.

I've been so damn busy with college coming up and pushing lazy peoples carts that I really haven't done much with myself or this comic.

I graduated w00t...and all the kiddies went back to skool a few days ago...haha!

My 18th birthday and Renfest are coming up soon too...that makes me happy ^__^.

I've started a livejournal so feel free to spy on my pathetic life here:

Other than this I'm not sure what to say...I'm just glad Megan's drawing skillz have improved to make Hyde one sessi mofo.

Catch ya later monkies!